api demo

 * group name
 * group comment/desc
 * @module module_name
@RequestMapping(value = "/pathOfCtrl")
public class MockCtrl {

    * api name
    * api comment/desc
    * @param param1 name/comment/desc of param1
    * @param param2 You can use '@link' to indicate that the value of this parameter is an enumeration:{@link some.enum.or.constant.class}
    * @param param3 Specifies linked field if the target enumeration field does not match the parameter name:{@link some.enum.or.constant.class#property1}
    * @return desc of response
    @RequestMapping(value = "/pathOfApi1")
    public Result methodName1(long param1,
                      @RequestParam String param2,
                      @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "defaultValueOfParam3") String param3){

    * By default content-type:`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`,
    * For '@requestbody', 'application/json' will be used
    * Deprecated API can annotated with '@Deprecated ',
    * you can also use the comment doc '@deprecated'
    * @deprecated use {@link #methodName3(String)} instead of
    @RequestMapping(value = "/pathOfApi2")
    public Result methodName2(@RequestBody MockDtoOrVo jsonModel){


model(dto/vo) demo

public class MockDtoOrVo {

     * field comment
    private Long field1;

    private Double field2;//Comments can also be written here

     * Use `@see` to indicate that the value of this field is an enumeration
     * @see some.enum.or.constant.class
    private int field3;

     * Specifies linked field if the target enumeration field does not match the parameter name:{@link some.enum.or.
     * constant.class#property1}
     * @see some.enum.or.constant.class#property1
    private int field4;

     * Deprecated field can annotated with '@Deprecated ',
     * you can also use the comment doc '@deprecated'
     * @deprecated It's a secret
    private int field5;

     * If you use javax.validation
     * You can use @notblank / @notnull to indicate that the field must be
    private String field6;
